One of my favorite things to do for a client occurs at the end of the project, when the work is completed and the floors are swept clean. The walls...
One of my favorite things to do for a client occurs at the end of the project, when the work is completed and the floors are swept clean. The walls...
A bachelor's pad in much need of a new exterior painting scheme gets two handsome options. Which one do you think was selected? After this home was painted, it was...
Dark, dated and windowless bathroom to turn into a bright, sparkling gem! First of all, drawings are so important! Every time I go over to this job site, I have...
Pinch Pleated Perfection Pretty little three finger pleats all lined up in a row like little toy soldiers, perfectly uniform, perfectly timeless, perfectly crisp! Dramatic and tailored, these drapery panels...
A 1920's Colonial home with beautiful bones in the lovely Pemberton Heights Area receives a much-deserved refinement both inside and out. To enhance the grand scale of the rooms and...
Stephanie Wilson - Austin Texas Interior Designer Welcome to my new website. I have been meaning to tackle this project for quite a while now - but, fortunately I have...