Design Service Packages

Reduce, Rearrange & Refine

Style-up a space employing as many existing features and components as possible.

Reduce, Rearrange & Refine
Direction, Guidance & Polish

Manage your own remodel with leadership and direction to help guide you through the process.

Direction, Guidance & Polish
Turn Key

Complete start to finish service rendered. The designer will manage every single aspect of the project with approvals from client.

Turn Key
Design Build

Actively participate in the Design Concept, selection and purchasing process..

Design Build
Design Services

From remodeling to consulting and staging, over 30 services available

Design Services


Brand New Website

Stephanie Wilson - Austin Texas Interior Designer Welcome to my new website.  I have been meaning to tackle this project for quite a while now - but, fortunately I have been super busy working on some great new design projects!  I am thick in the process of finishing, documenting and posting these projects. I am...