Pinch Pleated Perfection

Pinch Pleated Perfection

N Residence

Pinch Pleated Perfection

Pretty little three finger pleats all lined up in a row like little toy soldiers, perfectly uniform, perfectly timeless, perfectly crisp! Dramatic and tailored, these drapery panels are finished off at the top with a pinch pleat method that gathers the fabric and spaces the pleats evenly apart.   Finished off at the top in this manner, the fabric drops down with the pleats containing and managing it’s fullness, allowing the drapes to make their way down to the floor, falling smoothly and evenly – puddling ever so slightly. Fabric of choice?  Beautifully handed linen in white, mushroom or burlap.

TIP: To make your drapes look beautiful and flowing as they puddle, gather the fabric at the bottom of the panels, fluffing and billowing as you would a wedding gown.  Let go of the fabric and let it fall gently to the ground. Poetry in motion!



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